Staffing Solutions

Aurcare Nursing Agency provides specialised healthcare staffing to Private and Public Hospitals, Aged Care, Rehabilitation, and Nursing Homes Facilities across Australia. We aim to provide a comprehensive range of healthcare services (RN, EN, and AIN) to Private and Public Hospitals, Aged Care, Rehabilitation, and Nursing Homes Facilities.

We aim to provide a high-quality staff and we invest heavily in training and coaching our staff and provide practical experience before general placements are made and approved for. All our staff go through a stringent HR screening process to ensure highly qualified staff are matched to our client’s placement requirements.

Australian National Aged Care Classification

From 1st October 2022, AN-ACC (Australian National Aged Care Classification) replaced ACFI (Aged Care Funding Instrument), requiring external specialists to assess the care needs of residents to determine each home’s funding level. We will help you navigate the AN-ACC model by conducting audits to identify accurate AN-ACC rates or gaps and assist staff in the resident assessment process.

Australian National Aged Care Classification
Respite Managers

Respite Managers

Our qualified team is available on contract as relief/respite facility managers, residential mangers, floor managers and care managers to ensure that hospital floors and nursing homes maintain the highest quality of care, no matter the circumstances. Give you and your residents peace of mind knowing our qualified team is here for you.

Community Support

Personal care, Domestic Assistace, Companionship, Meal preparation, Appointment escort, 24/7 care
Community Support

Contact Us

Please use the following form to contact us. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

    AURCARE is a highly reputable nursing agency. Our exceptional care services include looking after the elderly and NDIS participants at an affordable price and by people who genuinely love what they do. We have fully qualified nurses that can assist in all aspects of care.